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Arabian Woodpecker (Dendrocopos dorae)

A Major Saudi Birding Fail (March 2019)
A short time back I received a message from Louis Regenmorter, who had seen a recent eBird report of mine, which led him to Saudi Birding...

An Interview with Dr. Duha Al Hashimi, The First Female Birdwatcher in Saudi Arabia*
While I can’t speak to the verity of the appellation in the title—”the first female birdwatcher” in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia—which a...

The Ultimate Saudi Birding Web Portal!
Blogs about Saudi Birding Saudi Birding—My Facebook page featuring trip reports, hotspot details, species profiles, and general avian...

Birding Saudi’s Riyadh Province
Visiting birders to the Kingdom’s capital will be happy to know that Riyadh Province boasts some very fine birding with several quality...

خلال هجرتها السنوية في فصل الخريف: الطيور المهاجرة تحلِّق في سماء المملكة في طريقها نحو الدفء
يُعدُّ العاشر من شهر أكتوبر اليوم العالمي للاحتفاء بالطيور المهاجرة، الذي يأتي هذا العام تحت شعار «الطيور تربط عالمنا»؛ كيف لا والطيور...

Birding Saudi’s Eastern Province—Al Ahsa Hotspots
The city of Al Ahsa in the heart of Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province is actually a collection of towns and villages located in or near the...

Trigger Warning! Gear Talk Ahead
The day before flying to Jazan this past summer my Nikon P610 60X superzoom digital camera stopped charging. I suspect the charging port...

Birding Saudi’s Southwest (October – December 2018)
Highlights: Philby’s Partridge Arabian Partridge African Olive Pigeon Hamerkop Black Kite Arabian Eagle-Owl Arabian Scops-Owl Little Owl...

Birding Saudi’s Southwest (August 2018)
Trip Total: 146 species Arabian Endemics Total: 12 / 14 Arabian Endemics Seen: Philby’s Partridge Arabian Partridge Arabian Scops-Owl...
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